Turnip greens – a great way to support body Detoxification activities. Turnip greens contain phytonutrients called glucosinolates that can aid in the activation of detoxification enzymes and regulate their activity.  Two important glucosinolates that have been clearly identified in significant amounts in turnip greens are glucotropaeolin and gluconasturtiian.

If we continue to expose ourselves to unwanted toxins and fail to give our body’s detox system adequate nutritional support through an unhealthy lifestyle and poor dietary choices, our bodies will be put at risk of toxin-related damage that can potentially increase our cells’ risk of becoming cancerous.

Turnip greens have significant antioxidant benefits.  As an excellent source of vitamin E, vitamin C, manganese, and beta-carotene, turnip greens provide a significant level of support for these four conventional antioxidant nutrients.  But the antioxidant support from turnip greens extends beyond these conventional nutrients and into the realm of hydroxycinnamic acid, phytonutrients. quercetin, isorhamnetin, myricetin, and kaempferol which are among the key antioxidant phytonutrients within turnip greens. The broad spectrum antioxidant support aids in the lowering of the risk of oxidative stress in our cells which will lower the risk factor for the development of most cancer types.  By providing a diverse array of antioxidant nutrients, turnip greens aid in lowering cancer risk by helping avoid chronic and unwanted oxidative stress.

Turnip greens have significant anti-inflammatory benefits.  As a great source of vitamin K and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA), turnip greens provide two important anti-inflammatory nutrients.  Vitamin K acts directly to regulate our inflammatory response and ALA represent the building block for many of the body’s most generally-used families of anti-inflammatory messaging molecules.

Turnip greens provide cardiovascular support.  Researchers have looked at multiple cardiovascular problems, including ischemic heart disease, heart attack, and atherosclerosis and have found preliminary evidence of an ability of cruciferous vegetables to lower the risk of these health problems. One factor is the anti-inflammatory nature of turnip greens and their fellow cruciferous vegetables.  The science community has not always viewed cardiovascular ailments as having a central inflammatory component, but the role of reducing unwanted inflammation in creating problems for our blood vessels and circulation has become increasingly fundamental to understanding cardiovascular diseases.

Another area that turnip greens support cardiovascular health involves their cholesterol-lowering ability.  Our liver uses cholesterol as a building block to produce bile acids.  Bile acids are molecules that aid in the absorption of fat and digestion through a process called emulsification. These molecules are typically stored in the gall bladder, and when we eat a meal containing fats, they are released into the intestine to help prepare the fat for interaction with enzymes and absorption into the body. When eating turnip greens, the fiber related nutrients bind together with some of the bile acids in the intestine where it simply stays inside the intestine and passes out of the body in a bowel movement.  When this happens, our liver will need to replace the lost bile acids and draws upon our existing supply of cholesterol.  As a result, our cholesterol level drops.

Also included in cardiovascular benefits of turnip greens is their exceptional folate content.  Turnip greens provide 575 micrograms of folate for every hundred calories. That amount is unsurpassed by the most common cruciferous vegetables!  Folate is a critical B-vitamin for aiding cardiovascular health, including its key role in prevention of hyperhomocysteinemia.

Turnip greens are a great support for digestion.  The over 5 grams of fiber in every cup of turnip greens makes this cruciferous vegetable a great natural choice for digestive system support.